anyone have any hook ups with tires??? i need some for the R1… not looking for the craziest shit out there just something decent
Call us at Rubino Motorsports for tires! 441-7967
and who should i talk to ?
hey chris do you have a price for me yet on those tires?
i found a set of Shinko tires fron and rear for 200 shipped . . let me know what you can do
Please call Chris at 441-7967. He does not regularly check the site. If for what ever reason you get a voicemail please leave a detailed voice message as to what particular tires you had in mind, what bike they are for and a name and number he can reach you at. Thanks!
dont cheap out on the processor… Saving 20-50$ for tires, could cost you $1500 in plastics.
just food for thought.
I wouldn’t recommend running cheap tires either. Save up the extra cash and get decent tires and not Ebay specials.
I need tires too…gonna give Chris a call.