Need to borrow: 89 240sx Haynes manual

anyone have a haynes manual for an 89 240sx kickin around that i could borrow… if you do plz PM me your phone number id like to borrow it tomorrow so i can get my mechanic to adjust my timing… any other possiblitys to me running rich???

They didnt make one for our cars. Theres only the… that other one, but no Hayne’s. Search the net, i guess.


I have a Chiltons book that is yours for 1 dollar.

I pm’s you with my phone number if you want it

if it has the timing specs for my car DONE … and thanks jeff but i couldnt find it online!!!

What are you talking about?! I have the 1989 Nissan 240SX FSM from Nissan. It was expensive, but it’s got every piece of info available!

well im doing my ignition timing so if u can find that in the book and let me know how to do it and what the specs are that would be freaking great… :lol:

What are you talking about?! I have the 1989 Nissan 240SX FSM from Nissan. It was expensive, but it’s got every piece of info available![/quote]

I mean there’s not Haynes manual. I also have the FSM saved on my comp.

well then burn it on to a disk for me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: