need to consolidate private student loans..

Can anybody tell me of a good company that will consolidate my student loans (private and federal).

I gave a call to the Colligate college company or someplace like that. They do an adjustable rate for prime plus 1 percent.

They said I don’t have the credit to get the loan myself, i need my father to cosign.

This sucks, i’m 24 with excellent credit.

Basically, what I want to do is spread it out for a long time so that I don’t have to pay sallie mae 400 bucks a month like i’m doing now.

So I want a low payment right now, until i get a real job then I just pay the whole loan off.

Plus I think sallie mae is the fucking devil, i need to get away from them.


I used citibank, got locked in at 4.25%. Has worked out good for me.

Consolidation Loans are at 5.375% right now

i am in the same boat boss…i hate Sallie Mae…try

nelnet > *


on another note if youre gonna consolidate for a long period of time i would try to get a fixed rate. A lot can happen with the interest rate between now and then and adjustable rate is risky.

Don’t consolidate federal and private loans together unless you want them all bumped up to private loan rates.

hmm, it seems many places won’t reconsolidate a private loan.

Most of my loan is private, go figure.

Looks like i might need my dad to cosign, go figure. i’m 24 now, and still need daddys help.


Don’t consolidate your private loans with your federal (Stafford) loans. It will only drive up the interest rate on your federal loans. The only option you would have with a private loan is to refinance at a lower rate if you have better credit than you did when you took it out, or if rates have gone down. Neither seems likely in your case.

Where’s the guy who wanted to add on to his student loans to buy a motorcycle? Hopefully he’s reading this thread.
