Need to get fingerprinted

I need to get fingerprinted for a job that I am applying for and was wondering where I could go. I know local police stations but I heard Lancaster charges 30 dollars or more which I understand they need to make money but it takes 5 mins to do. So I was wondering if anyone could or know where i could get them done.

Go to any LiveScan location, when I had to go for teacher certification they got me in right away and I had my prints sent out within 2 weeks.

Hide ya kids, hide ya wife, hide ya husband because they rapin errybody out here

did they charge?

wtfffff ?

Well yeah, anywhere you go you’re going to have a processing charge. That’s how the system works.

It depends on who/what the finger prints are for most places require a local police station.

^ correct, in my case though the ToT PD outsourced their non-criminal finger printing to LiveScan.

Like Chris said, try a livescan location. I went through the Amherst PD and I think their charge was $15-$20. Might as well cough it up, if you get that job then it’ll pay for itself :slight_smile:

The detective that did mine with APD for my pistol permit did it for free, but he said it was because the whole pistol permit process in NYS is ridiculous and such a ripoff. I’m assuming if you just go in there for prints for a job you’ll get charged.

I got attacked by some idiot in the projects.

I went to the state troopers barracks in Boston,NY and they did 3 full cards for me for free (took them about 15 minutes too)

So dumb, so dumb, so dumb, so dumbbbb.

i did mine downtown buffalo at the sheriffs station… it was like 25 bucks…

state trooper barracks are supposed to do it for free i heard.

alright thanks guys… i guess i may go to the state trooper barracks seeing i took the day off today

I heard that too but I have yet to know anyone who was successful. Someone said that some departments will let trainees do it and its free.