Need windows XP CD key Help.

If its a computer built by a vendor, then it has a sticker on it.

Call the vendor, and get a replacement cd.

Dell charges 10 bucks. HP i think is similar.

They usually throw in the driver cd, so you can reinstall.

If someone built the computer with a bootleg copy then suck it up and buy an oem copy on ebay for like 20 bucks or whatever.

Or here is the best option, if its just a bullshit computer that she surfs the internet and checks email, then put linux on it and call it done.

Fixed it thanks everyone.

i lost the physical CD. can i use the code from my current os on a “different” version of XP

No. Not all of them work with even the proper edition let alone a different one.

i got a crack for xp if u need nething else