im not going to do too much with the car, just a couple exterior modifications…
I was looking at a CL style grille, with the flat hood badge, and or a CF front lip
so what do you think ?
not mine but to give you a base
CL Grill:
Flat Hood Badge:
CF front spoiler:
EDIT: this a the CF lip on a black one like mine, with the regular style grille

CF lip, yes. I’ve never really been a fan of the CL grille.
:tup: to the the lip do the lip I like it alot
They all look like doing shit for the sake of doing shit.
I like stock the best.
although smoked or clear side markers look good.
I love the CL grill, but that lip looks out of place from the side.
I don’t like the big logo on the grill
honestly, if your car was silver i’d say get the lip, but i’m not feeling it as much on the black car
grill yes, badge yes, lip… helllllll no.
Get a different bag of milk
save your money and do something cooler. like lines off the dash with hookers
im with fry, I think it looks better stock (maybe even more classy?)
what if i get a new bag of douche… when can i pick you up
done already… not as easy as it sounds… i have a big head