Need your thoughts/Prayers!!!

Hey everyone,My wife whos is LIlLDEE on here.Her dad has been rushed to the er in albany.He has an anurism that runs from his main artury.This guy never goes to the hospital and this past weekend he asked to go,thought it was kidney stones but at 2 ish today my wife called me saying they rushed him to er again.So i am asking all of you to say a quick prayer and keep him in your thoughts to get better.Thank You.

good luck man

aaww im soooo sorry to hear that, my thoughts and prayers go out to the both of you and the family, i wish your father the best of luck…keep us posted…

im not religous at all so prayers are out of the question ,but i deeply feel bad for the hell that feeling causes and my thoughts are with you hope all ends well and on a positive note

i’m sorry to hear that, i wish you luck and God bless :frowning:

may he be blessed by the flying spaghetti monsters noodly appendage

dude come on ,the guy is askin for help not bullshit

umm go fuck yourself. Just cause I dont believe god wear sandals and a toga

that sucks man. good luck.

nether do i but man …im all for bustin balls as ya know but i dont think now is a good time

sorry to hear man, i hope everything goes well for your family and i wish for a speedy recovery

i’m pastafarian.

not kidding

my thoughts and prayers go out to him, I hope he’s alright

Play in traffic…no really, right now go play in traffic and don’t stop til something hits you. Like a fucking bus.

Sorry to hear that Mikey!

Sorry to hear that Mikey… Let me know how it works out. Wings tomorrow at Elliots of it’s raining, see ya there if everything is okay.

A little update for you peeps.After a cat scan and a few other tests.The spot that was first diagnosed as an anurism seems to be a growth spot,wich they are monitoring.Plus a few other health things have combined for the pain.If all goes well they hope to release him in a few hours,but needs to get some other tests done .Thank you for the support and i will keep everyone updated.(Dee says Thank You too).

good luck man …

My prayers are with you and your family man …

“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”

  • Matt. 21:23

srs bzns you are a fucktard

GL hope all goes well…

I hope he makes a speedy recovery, and can make minor changes in his lifestyle to prevent this from ever happening again !!