Need your vote QUICK!

I need your help, guys! The ebay auction has only a few hours left. I cant decide between two awesome companies that make sweet gauges. Top Fuel or Defi. Both brands have a top notch quality product. Which should I get for my car?
EBAY link to Top Fuel Gauge->>>> HERE

Website link to Defi gauge ->>> HERE

THanks for the help and sorry for the short notice.

okay, so im thinking defi wins. i can get a warranty with one. now i just gotta find a place that has a good price on one of their delicious looking boost gauges and do more work :giggedy

What color are your gauges? Mine are red with white needles and AWE makes one that matches the factory look perfect. The A6 may be different though.
thats the shot i took when i bought the car.

I owned defi BFs with the control unit in a past life… They are sick gauges and you need to own them.

Top Fuel in an Audi? Thats some Honda shit right there :lol

Haha, yeah votblindub… just give up and buy a Japanese car already



I know someone with a Defi guage and its incredibly nice.

well, Top Fuel seems like “jdm tyte, yo” but like, hear me out on this one. I was looking for a quality gauge, thats reliable and from a good manufacturer. i dont want a flashy one, so I dont plan to get a massive one that changes colors and plays music and whatever the fuck the fast and furious kids are into these days. i wanted to get one from a respectable company. I looked at some VDO gauges, Greddy and such and theyre not bad, dont get me wrong. They just dont look slick. Those two look similar, the defi is dope because its tinted and goes black when its off so you see nothing but just a black circle. They both would look good with my interior and wont seem haphazardly slapped on or out of place. follow me? so i stopped on those two choices. theyre both JDM AS FCUK, but hell, my wheels are too. I dont mind a quality japanese product in a german car, an american car, or whatever you got. if its good and its reliable, accurate, works well and looks nice, why not? see what im sayin’? I have a sweet japanese made deck thats going into my car, a german speaker set, a german amp, american products as well, its all good. Seems to me that the popular vote is Defi with the gauges though. Now I just need to find a place that will get me the best price on them. I found one spot where theyre ~160, but its in Japan and i dont know what shipping will run me, if its under 40 bucks, im ordering that this week.