reliable acuurate guages?

im in the market to pick up some guages. ive been cheacking out the ones on slowboyracing (megan). anybody have any suggestions as to a decent brand for an all right price. want egt and boost guages not really looking to spend over 200 for them

200 for all or 200 per gauge?


200 for both, defi’s are way to expensive, sorry i dont have a mom and daddy sponsorship

get a job.

yeah i have a job n probably make twice as much as you a week pal so calm down

man chill the fuck out. if you’re buying gauges cheaping out isnt advised. there are plenty of budget gauges, megan arnt any good. defi blue racers arnt bad priced. if memory serves me some of the autometers are decently accurate. cheap and accurate arnt something u’ll get in gauges.

Well I make enough to not buy shitty gauges. So don’t complain.

ok you asked for advice, people gave you advice, you tell them that their parents paid for their car? your opening statement sucked because you didnt specify wether you were going to spend 200 on both or on one. gauges are important and $200 on a gauge shouldnt be a big deal if you want a reliable one, and if you are making twice the money we are in a week. also plenty of people on here live pay check to pay check becuase of car costs so who are you to tell anyone that their parents payed for there stuff. if you want advice take advice or dont ask the question.


also, i use defi blue racer gauges and love them.

you want the best gauges, but don’t want to spend any money on them? everyone is always looking to get something for nothing… sorry but you get what you pay for

as much as people on here hate autometer gauges. i’m runnin their ultra-light serise in my SHO and the trans temp gauge matches a heat gun on the oil pan within a few deg and my boost/vac gauge is dead on with a VDO boost gauge. They were about 50 each give or take. Not the best looking but they get the job done in my price range.

225 for the shipping.

boost gauges are like 50 bucks

I’ve never had a problem with VDO gauges and I’ve used them exclusively since I started modding cars. Well, let me rephrase that. Up until my damn boost gauge just started reading 4 in Hg when off just recently, I have never had a problem with VDO gauges. Was fine for years, then just magically decided it didn’t like 0.

They’re like $40, if that, at

my prosport gauges are dead on as i far as i can tell with comparing to other other peoples readings. i have boost,oil psi and egt.

boost and egt together are about 150 i think. and they have a free replacement no hassle one year warranty on them as well. if your not looking to drop on a ton of money

alright now thats what im lookin for actual help. i know cheaping out isnt the way to go, but im just lookin for some decent stuff, no where did i say i wanted something 4 nothing. and i didnt say that i make twice what everyone makes that was a shot at cky89. i got bills to pay to so i dont have a ton of money to spend

if you are directing something at someone use quotes so you dont make yourself look like an ass, people were giving good advice to start you just were not clear enought to what it was that you wanted.

stewart warner are a good bang for the buck. I ran them in my dsm

Stewart Warner FTMFW!!!