Neon Budweiser Bottle


how much for the stanley cup winners sign. text me ill pick up asaap 5170512


sent a cpl pms to those who were interested. I need to move these things and i’d like to do it by the weekend. Otherwise i’ll throw them on ebay or clist. PM me any offers

Any Jolson Canadian or Sam Adams stuff?

Only Molson piece I think I had was a large blue neon clock, which i just sold. I will check again. As for Sam Adams almost certain I have nothing.

Ok lmk

Last chance final bump

What do you have left?


how much are the labatt blue signs?

The metal ones $15/ea , Neon $100 Or shoot a offer back.

Almost all the neons are now gone. Helmet($175) and Bud bottle($125/BO) are still available as are the mirrors. Also have 2 new ones…


This one needs a florescent bulb to light up. Home Depot has them. The matrix board works and scrolls fine. No remote however to change what it says. Not sure how hard it would be to hack into it and change it. $70/BO