Nerd Event - Buffalo ISSA

I know there is a handful of nerds in here figured I would post this up and throw out the invite.

Dave Kennedy is coming to speak at Buffalo ISSA at UB on February 11th event is free and open to anyone there will be a number of people from the industry there and students from the UB Net defense class which im an advisor for which means pretty wide age and skill range.

Talk Title: INFOSEC: Fighting our way to a better tomorrow

Description: It seems that businesses are truly struggling with how to handle the threats we face as organizations when it comes to information security. From breach to breach, the techniques seem similar yet they completely rip through everything we’ve tried to protect against. As an industry, we’re fighting to define ourselves in a manner where we can actively combat the different demographics we see from attackers. This presentation will walk through what we face as organizations, both politically as well as an industry. Information security isn’t a technology problem – it’s a social issue. Until we recognize that, we will continue to see the continued breaches year after year as we continue to battle (and lose) the same types of attacks. There’s a lot of talk inside the industry on technical controls, products, adversarial simulation, and more for strengthening our defenses. These couldn’t be further away from what we really need to combat these types of attacks. This talk will also be demonstrating effective measures to combat some of the main techniques attackers use in order to attack an organization.
BIO: Dave Kennedy is founder of TrustedSec and Binary Defense Systems. Both organizations focus on the betterment of the security industry from an offense and a defense perspective. David was the former Chief Security Officer (CSO) for a Fortune 1000 company where he ran the entire information security program. Kennedy is a co-author of the book “Metasploit: The Penetration Testers Guide,” the creator of the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET), and Artillery. Kennedy has been interviewed by several news organizations including CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, Katie Couric, and BBC World News. Kennedy is the co-host of the social-engineer podcast and on a number of additional podcasts. Kennedy has testified in front of Congress on two occasions on the security around government websites. Kennedy is one of the co-authors of the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES); a framework designed to fix the penetration testing industry. Kennedy is the co-founder of DerbyCon, a large-scale conference in Louisville Kentucky. Prior to Diebold, Kennedy was a VP of Consulting and Partner of a mid-size information security consulting company running the security consulting practice. Prior to the private sector, Kennedy worked for the United States Marine Corps and deployed to Iraq twice for intelligence related missions.[/FONT]

I’m not IT SEC enough for this.


Yea why do something to help better your career :lol:

Yeah but if all the lectures and presentations are over my head, I have a tough time with it.

I was sent to a Sharepoint conference in Chicago a few years back. I had never touched Sharepoint, seen sharepoint, we didn’t even have Sharepoint licenses. So needless to say the presentations by Microsoft MVPs, that were tailored to SP veterans about load balancing your web frontends in a farm were way over my head.

It’s not like anyone going does anything but hack all the things. Why mingle with other IT folks?

I may check this out. I talk to a lot of customers/prospects about data breach coverage, it seems to be something that a lot of business owner’s don’t think about, until it’s too late.

Dave’s talks are good. Anyone in IT should attend this.

My guess? You’re probably going to get a live demo of Dave hacking some stuff. That’s just a hunch :wink:

Bump for tomorrow

Everything in the talk is brand new material and its aimed at technical and non technical people.

Webex me in

If there is a live stream I will shoot you a link some how we are up to 91 registered people not count students I know didn’t register.

Awesome! :tup:

I may stop by if I am awake after work. Coworker runs that group.

I’d watch a webex too. In training all week and am not feeling like sitting in another big room full of people after work this week.