Want to learn about hacking? lock picking? infosec? Rochester BSides 2013

4/6/2013 :tspry:

We are putting on another event this year and again it remains free and includes food.

Great chance to come out and network.

I will bump/update after the CFP and we have speakers locked in.

From last year

I will be there next year. Stupid work taking up my time on Saturday this year. I did get a shout out from the BSIDES twitter when I bitched about not being able to go.

Have any idea what topics will be covered or what was covered in the past. Just wondering if any of this will be applicable to me in my environment.

2012 talks - http://www.bsidesroc.com/archive-2/presentations/

2011 talks

8:00 Registration
SCADA Security
Chris Karr
10:00 Hook, Line and Syncer: A Liar for Hire’s Ultimate Tackle Box
Chris Silvers & Brad Antoniewicz
11:00 With Apologies to Mr. Mockapetris
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Hacking A Mature Security Program…
David Kennedy
Weaponizing the Smartphone: Protecting Against the Perfect WMD
Kizz MyAnthia
(501 – 1 = 500) – The Windows System Equation
Zack Fasel
How to Protect and Own Your Office Space
Dr. Tran
17:00 NFC for N00bs
Corey Benninger
18:00 Closedown

If there is a topic we get a lot of intrest in that isn’t covered I can get the appropriate people to come out and speak.

We try to hit a broad range of topics.

Also have a capture the flag contest running, a booth the teaches lockpicking, vendors, and last year we had a 3D printer setup and electronics demos.

Looks interesting…not to be naive but what is the purpose of this?

People who share similar interests meet up, present and discuss topics.

Similar to events like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEF_CON

A lot of people are interested in computer security and hacking stuff some do it for a living and others do it as a hobby.

Even if you’re not into hacking, probably still a good networking environment.

back in the day it was hacking now its infosec and people bill $300 a hour :-p

Any programming, web dev, web marketing, or security event I have gone to has been entertaining as hell. Great people, good conversations, and usually a good group to go drink with after.

I only ask because this stuff is greek to me…every IT guy gives me the same answer when I ask “How do you know this stuff?”

“I don’t know. I’ve just done it for so long.”

It looks interesting but I just don’t understand that realm.

Same way I would try to learn anything else research online, read, and do.

It’s the same way I learned tuning cars, photography, guitar, and computer stuff.

I’m not great at any of the things I listed but at least I learned enough to get me going by using the above process.

I would LOVE to go to one of these. I was reading the rolling stones article about lulzsec and anonymous yesterday and thought to myself “I would probably turn into a criminal if I knew how to hack”. I got through a few things at hackthissite back in high school and then life took over.

I don’t do it professionally but can do my share of owning websites. I learn this like I learn other things. Figure out small things and if you have an interest and go from there. We are lucky now that there is so much information available from YouTube, presentations, and other way to communicate. When I was getting kicked off of AOL at 11, you really had to know how thing worked to get talking to the right people.

If you are motivated to learn something and interested in it, it is a lot easier to pick things up. Watch a few videos and learn how web things work. You can also attend these free conferences and see different areas and maybe find a certain realm of stuff you wanna play with and read more about. I always did server admin stuff and web programming so that is what I kept playing with.

I get what you are both saying. I’ve always thought of computers as a limited resource when in fact computers are one of the only UNLIMITED resources today. Maybe I am ignorant to think this doesn’t interest me or maybe I just don’t understand how networking/etc… works.

Another reason may be I spent too much time using computers and not learning how a computer can be used.

In any event it looks like an interesting time. I’ll pencil it in and if I am free I would check it out if anything just to see what this is all about. I probably won’t bring any value and I most likely won’t understand any of it.

This goes along the line of there are people who know basics of a computer and how things work and are a really good user and then there is the group that likes to know how to use one but also how and why things work and do what they do and also how to break them. I see things in the public and want to tinker with it. I build stuff because i like to learn, not because there is a direct point. There is just so much out there, depends on what side of the fence you fall on.

Same thing with cars and almost anything, people may know how to use something but there is people that know how and why cars do things they do. Gotta just have an interest.

There is also more to security than computer networking so don’t think that is all you are gonna hear about at these conferences.

I’ll be there.

Most of the security conferences cover a wide variety of topics.

Cell phone stuff
RFID stuff
Web application stuff
Physical security
System security
SCADA security
Random shit like hacking those new digital juke boxes and vending machines
Turning a hobby into a job

I will say this most of the people who attend local things like this are students or work in other various computer fields(outside of security)

Fixed. :wink:

Get Kevin Mitnick there, then ill go.