:idiots :sleep
whats your daily? and inline is going to let you keep your integra there for all this time??
Ha I think we all do.
made my day
I work at inline…for the majority my car is kept inside…and whats funny about choosing colledge??..my dailey is a 94 saturn sl2 5 spd
hes means that your going to college and your spelling is worse than hanks ;D its all good tho. whats are you driving now?
he said hes driving a saturn
hey i spelled checked it and it didnt fix it
when u gonna lemme see this beast sean gotta see the progress
hows the progress going? saw it out behind inline today :confused
:crackup not making any progress back there :rofl
You sir are a real asshole :crackup
Its out side cause we have a list of cars inside that are “paying” customers
:lol then start coughin up and finish that shit
when are you going to be working on your teg again? and aren’t you a paying customer? :confused
soon and not really…i dont pay anyone to work on my car :nono
so just for parts? thats a sweet deal u got there :banana
that’s even more hilarious, that you actually had to spell check the word college
Im not an english major so i could give a fuck…