New and improved 91 teg b16a1's turbo build

when are you going to take out your car? cuz it dont seem like its going to be boosted like you said for a while :confused

what do you mean…take it out driving?

yeah…or did you not build your motor yet from wen you blew a rod :confused

the car isnt comming out untill the its 100% done…everything is being set up for a turbo so why would i bring it out all motor when i already have the turbo?

I don’t know man…i guess its up to you on that…but good luck with the turbo ;D

the time i would spend driving it with no turbo would be useless cause the turbo could be on and i could be tuning ;D

true but if your not working on it, how can you tune it? :ponder

i cant work on it right now cause the shop is full

word…its all good though :nod

what have you setup for being turbo’d… iirc, you don’t need that many things…

he wants me to bring it out all motor…i just dont see the point in that seeing how the pistions,oil llines,gas lines, and other things are not set up for all motor

I wouldnt want to drive my daily around all year :ponder

I think he means that when you get the motor built and into the car, just drive it around until you get everything you need for the turbo setup, and then do that. You can still set everything up as far a a FI car, it would just be sans turbo.

and on another note, you still want that fuel cell setup? PM me.

Yeah thats what I mean…If your teg isnt in the shop, and waiting for it to be worked on, it would be cool to see it out on the streets, but everyone is different so no worries :banana

i personaly would just wanna wait till it was done…why drive it without the turbo on…just a teese in my eyes

you cant drive it anyway right, i saw it and had no plates :ponder

why would i have it on the road…its being built

chill guy :tong I was just saying you didnt add that in your previous posts…how much did you buy that teg from? my friend steve had that car before and beat the shit out of that motor…i think he wanted like 3500? :confused

I hope you didnt pay no $3500 for it :wow

nope i got there and he told me like 4xxx and i was like ill give you 3k right now…he must not have known much about cars seeing how i talked him down like 1500 for a fuel line and a battery