New Batman movie, how sick!

Ok the movie trailor in “I am Legend” was by far the coolest trailor I have ever seen. This new batman looks to be a awesome flick. WHat did you guys think about it and the preview?

At least link the trailer.

Is this the one you saw?

Or this one:

Looks good but, Jack Nicholson > Heath Ledger any day

neither one of those, it was seriously a 10min preview. It was at the Imax showing of Legend

Yeah it was like a mini movie, and it was indeed BAD-ASS :headbang:

:word: i cant wait for this

Yeah, in terms of acting overall. Nicholson’s Joker, BLEW. It didn’t stay true to how the Joker really is (A Sadistic serial killer and highly intelligent). Jack’s Joker was playful and cheery. Heth Ledger as the joker is going to be fantastic and true to the story.

Youtube videos are big piles of shit. I refuse to watch anything worthwhile on there

Here is 1 quality version: watch it full screen

this is ok

+1 Ledger is looking like he’s going to knock it out of the park. Really twisted in the trailers…

I agree

This looks to be the most exciting movie ever.

Dont get me wrong, I think Ledger will do great, But Jack was just so dead on with his role. That movies success was why so many more were made.

Best movie trailer ever! Movie looks badass like the first one.

Meh, I’m more stoked about Iron man.

iron man does look fuckin sweet, as does this.

Jack was dead on with what role? The role of the joker in the original batman is not how the joker is. The joker doesn’t crack jokes and laugh like an idiot and wear tons of makeup and goofy outfits and have “bang flag” guns.

The real joker was demented and psychotic. He is a deceiftul backstabber, and will kill anyone who even as so much looks at him wrong. Oh, and he doesn’t become obsessed with women. Hell in the first 5 minutes of the new movie, he off’s 5 or 6 guys that are aiding him in the bank robbery. His smile isn’t from a toxic chemical spill but rather him cutting the sides of his mouth open.

Jack Nicholson can not be attributed to the franchises success (or lack thereof). Tim Burton made great films, and always will. Did you notice how retarded they got after Batman Returns? It’s not because Nicholson wasn’t in it…

omfg. this looks amazing… alsdfa;lsjdfla;skjdf’lasjdf’;lasjdf’;ajsg’;

looks pretty rad, im gonna have to see that one in imax

cant wait, this shits gonna rock my underpants clean off :thankyou: