Well any of you that know me know that I have been waiting for this one…
It all started out bad prior to leaving for track find that my 26" slicks have thread showing, and knowing this should be the best air I have seen all year I figured I would get the shaft…
Well I put my old 28" tires on from my Camaro knowing that it would put me at a bad gear disadvantage.
So anyway figuring I would not run real well I lower timing Via prom to 36 degrees total - car traps a little faster @ 38* but wants to spin a little more being I have all these traction problems.
First pass DA was 1300ft.
1.494 60 ft with a slight spin again…
6.72 @ 98.23
10.95 @ 120.8 Right lane screwed up MPH.
Second pass DA was up to 1800ft.
1.444 !!! finally a dead hook and by far best 60 yet.
6.95 @ 97.7
10.97 @ 122.90 MPH dropped with air.
Eliminations had to drop back to 11.5
Well I am really happy this finally happened and really surprised with the tall tire - But also see that I have more traction issues than I can feel.
So there it is …
Pump gas, through pipes, 3500 lbs w/driver and driven .
Thanks to all that have helped.
I am going to try to go to MIR at the end of this month to try some sea level air - so maybe I can better it.
Nice numbers. Your 60’ is the shit. Now it’s time to spray. 100 shot I’d bet you would be close to 9’s. Probably run a 10.5 at MIR at the end of the month on motor with good air.
Nice ET’s. Congrats. It’s always cool to break into the 10’s.
Talk about gearing. I had 4.86 gears and My 60’s were good, actually real good but the 60’s were not consistand enough for me.
well, I changed out to 4.71’s and the 60’s were just as good and the MPH picked up a little. I got to thinking HMMM how about 4.56? Well I did it.
The 4.56 gear has actually helped me hook better and more consistantly and my MPH went up again. I’m actually afraid the car will stand up with the 4.56 gear.
Anyway, sometimes less gear helps is all I’m saying.
Again congrats. Did the BIG GIRLS give you a BIG HUG when you ran your new best ET?
Thanks Tom,
I know what you mean about the gear, I think in a lot of cases it lets you get more stall from the converter as well… Making a nice street combo while not on the go pedal.
The BIG GIRLS ! What do you think gave me the ambition to get out there and do it