New car pics *Updated Pics! Jan 28*

oh baby, that car is looking killer! i absolutley love those wheels 8)

More flushness.

New seats. And yes I know the dash is dusty. :smiley:

I noticed those seats last weekend. What are they out of?? Looks awesome!

I bought them from Scott (Typhoon) and I don’t know what they are out of. I have seen very similar Recaro seats in early 80’s Mustangs and Camaros. Seriously.
1982 Mustang

1982 Camaro

Though I don’t think these are quite that old.

Looking good, Louis! Still rockin the Stanza shifter, I see :wink:

Take me for a rip soon!

  • Mike

I like this shifter :smiley: I don’t really care for flashy shift knobs, and this one does the job just fine.

I’ll take you for a rip some time… or we could swap cars for a day. :lol: Wait, would that be like cheating?

I saw your car at ziebart on 178th st yesterday afternoon. was looking pretty good :slight_smile:

Yeah I got my 2-way starter/alarm installed. 8)

lookin good!! :drinkers:

Took some more pics today. Car was clean. :smiley: For some reason Photobucket is messing up the resizing.

New exhaust. 90mm Kakimoto, and Megan DP with flex section.

looks good. did you buy those tail lights off of e-bay? how much did you pay for them if you dont mind me asking?

I made them myself from altezzas. They were $145 CDN shipped from member Bing on NECC.

Will get some better pics today or something. Picked it up from the body shop saturday. Got the roof painted black, shaved the rear window sprayer from the roof, and got the hatch FINALY painted. :smiley: I got it done at Robertson Bodyworks. They did an awesome job of smoothing out the hatch that I shaved. I can’t believe how good it looks.

Now I really need tint. I’ll probably go with something light like ~ 50% all around.

Looks Nace!!! Just need that lip eh??? :lol:

More pictures dammit! :smiley:

LOL. Yep!

I’ll have better pics up soon.

I’m sure there is a market for those here in Edmonton (nice alternative to type-x). I’d buy a set off you.

LOL why buy a set already painted? They are $145 lights, just paint em up, and presto sweet lights. And they look so pimp at night.

I can’t believe the guy from 240forums was selling sets of these lights on ebay for like $350 USD. Score for him. :smiley: