New Casino

Yes Niagara Falls is still a shit hole. But I don’t think its worse than it used to be.

How does making a piece of land useful (more jobs) rathar than letting it sit there and do nothing, not make sense to you?

So it’s a good idea to sell United States land to a foreign entity? By that logic any country should be able to come in and “buy” our useless land. If casinos are so great, every city would have one. There is no evidence that building a casino will turn a city around.

Correction…they SOLD it. The Senecas already own this land so really any arguement about what they should or shouldn’t do with it is pointless.

got that right

casino isnt going to do shit to this town. look at niagara falls the economy hasnt done shit. also the casino has only gave niagara fall shavings of there total profits. imo we dont need it.its not going to bring life to buffalo as many people hope it will.

Why not build a Walmart there? Do something productive with the land yes, but a casino is not the answer for a long term revival of Buffalo.

in our city’s current state…any big business like that should be welcomed with open arms…and remember we stole this land from them to begin with…and according to jay is sold already…well then its their land they can do whatever the fuck they want with it…

u know the casino has only given niagara falls around 2 or 3 million dollars. that chump change to what money they have given. that land was bought for like a dollar i beleive fuck the senecas they r not going to help r economy.

And Wal-Mart is?? The same company this is ruining all companies affiliated with it with their hard driving cost savings plan??

Adding a bunch of $6/hr jobs won’t do shit for the city either.

exactly… Atleast SOMETHING is getting done, opposed to just sitting around and watching the city rot away even further

edit: it would be nice to see a bunch of other attractions added along the waterfront aswell. Hotels, beaches, resturants, golf course, ect…

the location is good, there’s PLENTY of room for further development and like almost everyone else said… it’s not being used for anything worthwhile.

No poker room, no care.

Thats the point of saying ‘build a Walmart there’. They both only bring mcjobs with them. Both will suck money out of the city and degrade the surrounding areas.

It’s unamerican IMO to “sell” or give land to a sovereign nation.

And as I said. Is Niagara Falls worse off now?? No.
So even if Buffalo only gets 3 Million from the Senecas with the casino there, they are getting nothing with the land just sitting there.

3Million > nothing

ummm… I wouldnt exactly say that. Besides, it was theirs first :slight_smile:

I knew it was a matter of time before you said this. I could feel it in your posts. This is their land. WE TOOK IT AWAY!!!

And before you said why not just sell land to other countries. We have been doing that for years anyway. Rockefeller Center in owned by a Japanese company and has been for a long time.

Buffalo is slow & ghey.

A casino is not THE end-all answer.
Nor is Walmart.

Prolonged steady growth is the only thing that will save this city - and even that is assuming that we can get a local government that can not anally rape the inbound projects.

This city will likely never see big industry again, considering that our infrastructure is far too out of date to handle it. This city will likely never be a large tourist destination. This city DOES need some “spark” somewhere, anywhere to get the economy rolling… even at a snails pace.

So, if the casino/hotel/whorehouse/house of pancakes/whatever opens up, and a couple of supporting businesses open up near it, and a few developers invest some money, and so on… then maybe, just possibly, if the stars align just so… a good thing might start.

IMO catalyst is just afraid he’ll spend his “mod-money” on $0.0001 slots. :stuck_out_tongue:


exactly… and thats JUST from the casino… Hopefully it creates alot of spinoff projects that will also create revenue/jobs for the area.

shit, I know a few people who are card dealers and they deffinitly get paid alot more than a walmart employee lol

This is the way I see it. The Senecas are definately going to develop this piece of land. They will want to develop the area around it as well. This may get the ball rolling on other develpment projects not run by the Senecas.

God knows that Buffalo has a history of saying rather than doing. If I was going to leave it up to the City to say, lets put a Wal-Mart here and develop the area around it, it would get tired up in the bureaucracy of this corrupt town and end up getting pushed under the rug because of a “budget crisis”.

Oh…where oh where is our twin span bridge??

and developers already started in Niagara Falls

for example