Grain elevator collapsed

Don’t a bunch of you climb this thing

Saw the breaking news report live with Tim Tielman on ch. 4. The only thing that would’ve been better about the collapse would’ve been if his dumb ass was nailed to it before it came down.

Saw a news clip where they interviewed some guy who kept a straight face when sneaking in a jab about tearing down an “important landmark.” I did not keep a straight face.

They were doing demolition. That particular building has been getting torn down slowly for months so it’s not like it just suddenly fell. I’ve never climbed that one, but I saw some of the progress as they were tearing into the silos.

Wow does that guy seem like a fucking D-Bag. He’s the type of asshole that keeps us from needed change. Focus on shit that really matters, its a fucking grain silo… who cares.

He’d save a hundred year old piece of shit by hiding it under his tongue just because it’s 100 years old.


A few of us have been in there a handful of times hahaha

“This was a planned demolition and not a collapse.”

Do people know how much money it takes to remove the foundations of industrial buildings? It’s a fucking brownfield. Who’s going to pay millions to develop land that isn’t in demand?

a lot of people are retarded.

But, it was the worlds most modern grain elevator at the time…c’mon guys. Let’s rebuild it!!!

Some of my mail fell off my counter today as I was sorting it. I don’t think the envelope will ever look the same… :frowning:

Yea, because land is so scarce in buffalo that no one can put up any of those skyscrapers they are planning … Wait, nevermind. Outsiders laugh at us because our “city” is actually a bunch of brown fields and parking lots with a few buildings in between.

cant say i give a fuck about the silo (although i DO like the idea of preserving historic buildings) but saying that ANY building (or any LIST of buildings) “keeps us from needed change” is rather ignorant.

Well its assholes like this guy that give everyone a hard time and make it impossible to do things. Preserving historic buildings that actually mean something is different. Whats next? we need to save the old steel plant too? lol.

I say “keeps us from needed change” as a general statement of course, but people like this guy are a torn in any process. I wouldn’t think he’s a d-bag if I agreed with saving the building. Also due to the fact that I work in an industry that has to deal with historic and preservation distric bs all the time, I thinks it’s a bunch of BS sometimes (not all the time, but sometimes they go wayyy to far with shit).

I should send one off that 12 story thing next to it before they tear that down, too.

Also, WTF. What a big deal about nothing. They are tearing it down. A tiny piece fell in the river. It will be moved tomorrow. This is a big deal?

In Buffalo, sadly, yes.

The title was obviously sensationalized so they could capture readers attention. Yellowish journalism.

About time that eyesore is being removed.

Well that is one way to get rid of that god awful structure that people from here charish


And that’s not either of the grain elevators that are “cherished” by anyone on here

Are you my new spelling and grammar wingman?

i have mixed feelings about this.
sad that its going to be gone forever, but hey, its perfect room for another profitable endeavour like a casino.

There are definitely some structures that display beautiful architecture and a story of the past. I can agree, to a point, about the grain elevators. We don’t have a shortage of them. Let’s compromise. Save one, take all the pictures you want of the rest, then detonate. “Restoring” or “rehabing” a grain elevator is a little harder than a building as it can’t be converted into a useable space that could generate return on investment…unless it’s used for a base jumping destination for whack jobs like Newman. You simply cannot save everything and stiffle progress and growth by protecting every stone and brick in the city. The sensationalism with the recent OSC demo is a grab for headlines and has become ridiculous.