new crew

aggggggg i just want it to stop!!

i bet id be one of the first to go

huh?? i cant even remember when the last time you were involved in drama


What drama?? Hehe I don’t see no drama since I turned off all the stupid ass sigs…

i know that im a leading cause of drama lately but i dont start it. its always brought onto me and i usually end up in it because im defending myself. i also get people ,that im not going to name, that seem to find every post i make and then make some kind of asshole comment about it which after a while gets irritating as fuck!

duh, your a mod why dont you do something about it.

its aint that ez!!!

like what??? i am deleting threads… and i cant ban…


it isnt ez being a pee I M Pee

its starts more :drama:

tru, but ya gots ta do what ya gots ta do. If people wouldnt post retarded shit, you wouldnt have to delete it. Therefore, they have no one to be angry at but themselves. :bigthumb:

haha… winter’s coming… drama’s kicking in!