New Daily Driver

If my life is meaningless, then what the fuck does that make YOUR life?


who says an adim did faGGot? just say me if u think it was,but it exit & cry else where or ur name will be next to QUIKS!:crying: :crying: :greddy: :greddy: :weak: :ban:

i don’t see any deleted posts… post it again and stop being a pussy like the dude in this thread.

I feel like I need to buy one of these! The Denali has to go… its such a gas hog…

Sonny, what kind of mileage are you seeing out of it?

my computer thing says 19.6mpg… it goes to about 6.0 when i get in it… :slight_smile:

i haven’t really been through a whole tank yet… i filled it after 1/2 so i’ll have to see whats up.



Thats not too bad… my Denali seriously gets 10-11 max… AWD + AWS = no mileage at all…

no doubt… i’m not really driving it for optimal gas consumption either. :slight_smile:

How is AWS on tire wear and alignment frequency/difficulty?

Not too bad… alignment is simple… it had tie rods, etc… in the rear. Tire wear is a tad more, but to be honest, its worth every penny. The truck drives like a small car and tows my Rhino really easy. I don’t know why GM got rid of the AWS. They did have some problems with it I heard…

Every company that tries it seems to ditch it within a few years. All the japanese companies did it back in the late 80’s, all go rid of the technology within 3 model years.

I’m late to the game on this, but thank you all for making coming home from Florida and getting back into the swing of work much more enjoyable.

And nice car Sonny.


(and I hate DS)

and i still don’t care what you think?

still going at it there?

I got a driveshaft and some lube with your name on it
brian you make me :slight_smile: and deleting posts isnt your style…you like to :ban: people as jokes

It’s a bit late for a come back so i won’t bother

and zex…i won’t even bother

xlogic- I’d just stop now. You’re gonna get banned if you keep going down this round…you seem like a pretty decent dude (if misled at times) and your posts give a different perspective that I enjoy reading, so hopefully you STFU and stick around.

quit trying to fit in you mocha colored cocksexual assfaggot.



Fact: xlogic doesn’t WANT/NEED to fit in
I wanted to rip you a new one…badly…very badly…but i’m still in awe at Swarz’s post

:rofl: mike will be around for a long time. this brother has a thick skin :beer: