New Disturbed album is out

I’m checking it out now. No opinion so far.

BTW, I’m going to disagree with Newman on the “overproduced” aspect of music. Having some experience in attempting to make something that sounds professional, I can tell you, it is alot harder than just cranking out something raw. Yesm you can lose the original energy from the song if you spend too much time polishing, but everything is a tradeoff.

That said, I don’t have much value for live music. I prefer studio versions, because they just sound better. Most live acts sound like shit on the road. Of course, they cover it up by playing as loud as possible, which just helps mask the defects by overloading your ears.

Now on the 4th track of this cd. It’s ok so far, but I’m not as into it as I am some of their other tracks like “Prayer” and “Liberate”. Maybe it’ll grow on me.

OK, “Son of Plunder” I really liked…