New Metallica: The Day That Never Comes

So I know there will be much flame on how everyone thinks Metallica sucks/blows/gay/overrated. Whatever. They’re still my favorite band and this new single rocks.

Download here:

@ the 5 minute mark of the song: Old school Metallica returns. :headbang:

Not a big fan of theirs but it’s nice to see the band is still around.

I understand how metallica made such a heavy fan base back in the day when there was not many hard music options but god now… they are not good at all compared to what else is out there. I could never get into them and I love heavy music. And dont get me started on the napster thing.

Have you ever seen them live? They still put on quite possibly the best live performance I’ve ever seen. It’s really good. Puts all other bands to shame.

There are so many faggoty heavy bands now that are WAY worse than metalica. Shit like avenged 7fold, slipknot, underoath, etc etc.

shit’s the worst.

it’s even more annoying when people call it hardcore.

it’s not hardcore. it’s fggt nu-metal crap

Well not to shame… ill give you that.

The DVD with the San Fransisco Orchestra is pretty cool.

3 days off from NYSpeed has brought you back with extra anger and hostility. <3

i just hate it, that whole genre is fucking terrible.

Old A7x is great… Underoath is screamo and like all punk guys, im assuming you have a very closed mind to music that dosent reuse every baseline since the begining of time. Dont get me wrong, I love punk but I had to just move on because it all sounds the same to me now.

underoath has synths and fucking shitty noodley guitar riffs.

i’m not a close-minded “punk guy”

i just hate fggt music.


sigh, thought I’d give it a chance.

The first bit of intro sounds like “Ktulu” then the “Fade to Black” hammer on solo @ 0:37.

Then came that shitty overplayed Load+ sound. And fuck, can James come up with any more obscure & generic lyrics? It’s just so cliche, a bunch of random metaphors.

4:07 isn’t that some rhythm recycled from Load?

@ 5:22 minutes first solo: Madienesque melodies != Old school Metallica I thought they were going to start playing The Trooper.

There are some good rhythms (@ 5:37) in there that hold their own. But the solos sound “rehearsed” and lack a live, raw feel.

I love the new cover they did of “remember tomorrow” originally by Iron Maiden. It’s a good version for sure!

God I love Iron Maiden.

I’m just glad Metallica is still making music and keeping it more to their personal roots.

Holy shit with the galloping.

I turned it off when james started singing. I used to really enjoy metallica (ride the lightning, and justice for all, primarily…)
This is garbage. I’m sure it’ll be on 103.3.

not a fan of it at all but to me the song starts off sounding like the black album after that goes into load and then kind of has on older feel to it at the end. overall james singing is horrible and lars needs to sack up and stop playing drums like such like a bitch.

Haha truth! All this new shit sucks, oh wow I can use the double base pedal and throw a bunch of breakdowns into my songs I’m sooo metal.

Metallica was good pre-black album but everything else has sucked. Hell I don’t even know how you could take them seriously now after they released the documentary of themselves being crybaby bitches.

I heard the new song, I wasn’t too impressed, but it was much better than their St Anger Single. The solo lacked something - it just sounded like he wanted to get crazier but didn’t. Just didn’t seem very creative.

I am not sure if he lost his voice. If you listen to their old stuff, it kind of sounds like they put a special effect on his voice during recording - just doesn’t sound like they’re doing it anymore.

I don’t know man. I don’t think new Metallica could touch any of the new metal artists today. Most the bands you mentioned are pretty talented, (before they made it to radio anyway). Avenged Sevenfold’s Waking the Fallen was one of my favorite CD’s. Old Mudvayne was pretty sick too. I guess you just have to really like the whole screaming thing.

What is your definition of hardcore? What bands?

Most the bands you mentioned are pretty talented, (before they made it to radio anyway). Avenged Sevenfold’s Waking the Fallen was one of my favorite CD’s. Old Mudvayne was pretty sick too. I guess you just have to really like the whole screaming thing.

What is your definition of hardcore? What bands?

You have to be an idiot to think those bands are hardcore let alone good.


Catharsis, Another Breath, Stretch Armstrong, With Honor, etc.

I completely agree with both of these statements…I still enjoy old metallica from time to time, St. Anger was a HUGE disappointment…and this new single sounded OK at first, but as soon as james started singing i was disgusted…so then i fast forwarded to a few parts of the song and this was another letdown…not as bad as St. Anger…but still pretty terrible. Also agree that lars needs to stop playing the drums like such a fucking fggt tard…He needs to play less double-bass and change shit up a bit god damn