New Metallica: The Day That Never Comes

holy shitballs we agree on something? :lol:

metallica is fucking garbage. They have like <3 songs that are actually complex. Everything else a 5 year old could learn. Lars Ulrich (sp?) especially sucks the big one


my first read was:

they have like love songs that are actually complex…


then i got it. haha!


Agreed that lars sucks fggt monkeyballs…
Agreed that metallica is CURRENTLY garbage (anything after the black album…including most of the black album).
Agreed that they aren’t very complex, and generally VERY easy to learn how to play on guitar, bass, and drums… they just used to be really good at making simple riffs sound really good. Hell, even most of the solos are relatively simple to play yet still sounded great.
IMHO, The key factor that they lost was the ability to jam. Everything sounds so …rehearsed and overly studio mixed. They lost their garage sound, thereby losing their appeal.

lol same here

Not for nothing, but I’ve listened to your band…

Never said I thought that those bands were hardcore. I was just saying that they were pretty talented compared to Metallica.

I was also just asking what Newman’s definition of hardcore was since I never refer to any band being hardcore. -:tup: Newman for providing those examples. I forgot some of these bands.

Pretty much all post-2000 hardcore is feggit garbage. The original Zao and old Earth Crisis are where it’s at. Everything else sucks.

As for the new Metallica album, I just heard one of the singles today on 102.1 and it’s fucking awesome. Keep in mind that I hate Metallica probably more than anyone on here.

Im lovin it! Hammet proving once again he is at the top of his game!

I don’t know if you are being serious or extremely sarcastic. If the former, watch Cliff 'em All.

I don’t even need to listen to it to know it sucks. Other than Kill 'em all, most metallica is meh.

way to keep an open mind. they arent the same as back in the day(prob before you were in grown up underwear) but the new shit is pretty good music.


Metallica has pretty much faded to black a long time ago.Its a shame really…

You wouldn’t know “good” music if it bit you in the ass.


much like dodge vipers, i liked metalica. then i turned 15.

although ride the lightning is still fucking bad ass’d. when cliff burton died that was the end of metalica imho

anyone ever notice how new metallica emulates the style of pantera-esque riffs like it was cool, post-2003?

LOL, so true!

The Black album was the beginning of the end. It was so over-produced, over-hyped and over-played.

But hey, guys who drive domestic full-size trucks with stickers indicating what kind of snowmobile/motorcycle/atv they ride need something to listen to!

Don’t we all…

heard the second new release today i think its pretty good. its called my apocolypse