new(er) car

thanks everyone for the positive responces!

yes i live in marilla. :carnut

i go that way every day to work (and whoever mentioned seeing me by consumers)

it is alittle doggy turning, but it is very, very smooth. i think a new rsb, and a haldex controller will help with the handling.

Those cars are great for getting out of the backseat and falling flat on your face drunk… Wait, I think I did that in a yellow tt the other night…:thankyou:

Nice car, Eric :tup:

I still hate you for buying this :slight_smile:
We gotta try and actually get a run in this summer, err before you try and sell it…lol

See that’s just it. It’s an Audi so I would expect it to be a touch lethargic in a straight line and a little porky around turns. But it just seems like it would be reasonably quick, handle well enough to challenge you to push harder, all while coddling your ass in heated leather and engulfing you in Monsoon audio.

Wait, this is NYSpeed. Boost it to 30 psi or your a fucking fggt!

did i see u at the carwash at southwestern and california a few weeks back

Just screams tune me. <3

very nice :tup:

Nice looking car Eric, the TT is def on my list for my next DD.

Ah, think I’ve seen this (even remarked on it) driving through the industrial park off of 20A. Sharp, car really stands out.

It’s a pleasure to drive :slight_smile:

For those of you who don’t know Big E, let me just say it’s pretty funny seeing a guy of his size hopping out of a TT.

nice, a friend of mine had a TT, silver, and it was a fun car. After he chipped it…it was even more fun!

yay mustard!

<3 you erik

Boost it to 30psi faggot!

+1 for Fry

You do realize TThaTT each TTime you TType online now you musTT TType all your senTTences TThaTT have TT’s in TThem with a double TT.

You’re a faggot too Brian.

So much hate:shoot:

Banana Hammock!

It’s OK J/K :smiley: about time you posted some pics.
