Back in the Game

After being rather snky for the past few weeks, I decided to bring out the new ride at carlisle. Picked it up last Saturday with 5900 miles on it :slight_smile:

looks sharp. i like the color.

hot freakin st00k :smiley:

someday i will get one after college

How pretty. I love that color.

nice car not a fan of the dash over here

Love the exterior color, hate the interior though. I wish the white/tan ones were not priced sky high.

yeah the color is badass - not into convertible top tho - might i suggest a spoon hard top



*spoon top = even hotter :tup:

congrats, man - glad to see you got another car :slight_smile:

that one with the hardtop is pretty damn hot, i must say. looks kinda like 911, RX-7 and s2000 had a 3-some and thats what came out hahaha. a good look for sure

:word: looks madd exotic, like a porsche doing blow off like 4 polynesian strippers’ asses at once

^hahahahahahahahaha:lol: :lol:

ok this is getting kinda wierd now (even though i started it). back on topic.


Actually the “Spoon” top is manufactured by Mooncraft for Spoon. And I hope you have a roll bar to attach it to and 6 grand to drop on it. So sexy though.

man that spoon top looks awesome.

hot st00k :tup:

What year?

And nice buy :tup:

Good stuff. Spoon hard top is hot as well.

  1. Had to have the 9k redline :slight_smile:

cool car. i will own a white one at some point.

looks good man :tup: i have some pics of it too i can send u later
