Farewell to the S2000...

That’s right, no more S2000 production as it ends sometime in June, what’s next for Honda in the sports car realm?



[QUOTE]Production of Honda’s rev-happy S2000 will come to an end this year after being in the market for a decade. The rear-wheel drive roadster was first introduced in 1999 as a limited-edition tribute to Honda’s 50th anniversary, however customer response ‘forced’ Honda to alter its plans and extend production. Available in 64 countries around the world, the S2000 sold over 110,000 since its introduction in 1999, with over 65,000 sold in the United States alone. Honda does not have any plans to replace the S2000 roadster in the near future.


that’s too bad. i wanted one so bad when they first came out.

supposedly my dad will be buying one within the next year.


Gorgeous cars, I’m sad to hear this.

Too expensive here in Canada.

At $50,000 new, you have Audi, BMW, Subaru, Mitsubishi, Corvette knocking at your door.

to bad to hear that, their nice looking cars. I still want one, spoon style:)

s3000 :wink:

Hopefully nothing.

You’ve never driven an s2000 then.

yeah seriously… theyre only 35k in the states…

i guess daytime running lights cost 15k eh?

^LOL, we always get f’d in Canada at least we can drink away the pain with strong beer unlike the states…and can do it at a younger age!

here is a link to an autospies speculation page.


funcken eh budda, beer in america SUCKS i bought a 24 of blue it tasted like poo.

You’re retarded. Blue is a CANADIAN beer.

Nice try dude. Lemme guess, Budwiser is better?

Besides, microbreweries are where it’s at.

Budwiser is American, in case you screwed up any more beer geography

yeah but the budweiser they sell up here is brewed in canada…
and sam adams brews a 17.5% beer in the states…

The s3000 has been scrapped. Yes, I was excited for a high-reving I6 from Honda too.

s2k’s are the shizzz
the autospies theory s3k doesn’t look too nice
and i coronas are the best imo

PSSST… most beers have the same name but are brewed stateside. They dont import or export blue, bud, whatever. Thats why our beer is so much better.

i make my own beer in the toilet out of potatoes.

thats right…

… im that canadian

Yeah I know. Their Blue is crap, it’s brewed over there and it tastes like piss, subsequently the Bud brewed here beats the pants off the Bud brewed there. I was illustrating the point that it was a stupid statement, and no matter which way you cut it, Blue is a Canadian branded and originally created, beer.

Your that canadian… or you just got out of the pen lol, I love how easy it is to get threads off topic…My bad lol