[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:16,topic:34326"”]
After I had my cap fitted there I call Bovice at New Era to make a follow up appt for my cap because it was fitting loose and that I would have to come down so he can get it right.
Back story here: I went down to New Era to get sized for a fitted cap last winter. But since then I have noticed the cap was loose. I called Bovice at New Era and he suggested that I come down and get sized… AGAIN WTF!!!11. They couldn’t do it right the first time?, a ****** could get cut for playing that shit.
Anyways I took a bus all the way down there to get sized. Bovice starts to talk and he sounds nervous, at first I thought he used the tape too hard on my head! He tells me that there is something wrong with my pants and they have a stain on them. My head was fine though.
The initial measurements in the winter was 7 1/2, but this time it was 7 1/4. They tried to blame it ON ME!!! for getting a hair cut in March and my subsequent haircuts in May and July.
So that bitch COURTNEY (the one with the fine ass tits) rang me a brand new cap for $24.99 plus 8.25% tax. I was “fuck that, CUNT, there aint going to be no mone invovled” and threw my old cap in her face. They say some shit about sweat stains (whatever some bleach would have fixed that). And then they said I was buying a different style anyways or some BULL. I said I want to speak with the manager. Bovice said “I AM THE MANAGER, all I can offer you is a coupon to Erie County Fair.” I was mad at first but said o.k.
ANYWAYS, After I left the store I was walking to the bus stop and shit my pants, runny ass diarrhea, the Hershey squirts. I didn’t have bowel problems before going to New Era. All I am asking for is that they pay, not even full price, just chip in for a new pair of pants. I had new boxer just installed a week before.
So I took of my pants and drawers (my tee hangs down to my knees so no one saw my johnson) and threw them in Bovice’s face and was “look ****** you are buying my new pants, and such”
NEW ERA blew out my COLON !!!
dude, you know that needed to run a different cap, because you have a cut that is not stock. Besides you must have you head up your a$$ if you think NEW ERA had anything to do with your colon. they do not work on a$$'$. :nono: