New Era Hat fans - check out my friends site

Just showin him some love for what he’s doin. Cool site nonetheless.

that balco shirt is sizzlin! where can i get one?

right on
That shit is sweet, I want one.

that alife shit is fiyyyaahhhh

its a No MAs shirt, you can get it from digitalgravel or turntable labs

$30. :bloated: thanks for the info though.

I’ve been meaning to go talk to the people at New Era about doing some custom hats… hrmm…

for me?

whats the deal with leaving the sticker on the hat?

we have a new era hat at the shop where you can slide the brim a complete 360º

Threads like this make me feel so lame. I only own one hat and 2 pairs of sneakers.

is what ive been feeling

but i dont have anything in red to match