New Family Addition

Thanks all. Can’t believe I’d ever see the day when I’m looking for play-dates that can kill two birds with one stone… looking for car-buff dads who watch hockey, lol. This girl will know a forced-induction system inside and out, lol.

shame you’re not closer :frowning:

Ralph will get the ladies.

That’s awesome. Congrats, man!

“ralph” will def pull the ladies

$200 mum says no, then a yelp of CHADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!
Ralph is not dating her :rofl:

Ralph is getting a hooker on 18th birthday.

she is beautiful! i really cant wait to see my little girl now that the time is getting closer!


AMAZING feeling isnt it? when my daughter (8 months nov. 1st) was born my whole life changed…now shes starting to crawl and standing in her crib and has a bad temper when you dont give her what she wants…just wait !!! life gets better!!!

alot less time and money for cars & bikes…now instead of building a motor in a week i have to do it over the winter…lol

Yeah, with all the prep like getting the nursery done and stuff, my bore/build that was to be done by the summer won’t be done now until NEXT summer, lol.

Latest pic:



awww thats great!

Congrats Lee!

Congrats Lee! Glad everyone is healthy and happy. Kids are the best.