Well it hath happened the devil hath spawned.

I’m gonna be a daddy! My wife and I have been tosing around the baby idea too long and have finally said next year it is. The tike is due on April 16th.

This babies diapers are gonna be extra worse…

Congrats :tup:

Beter hurry up and get those DSM projects done, because in 9 months you will never have the time to do them again.


dibs on placenta soup

I must say I AM KIDDING on this one.

are you going to train the new one to cut DSM’s in half with his laser eyes just like big daddy burch?!??!?!?!!?!

congrats buddy.

Congrats. I’ll give you one warning no one gave me. Infants are like little biological weapons. I’d be suprised if was sick 4 times in the last 5 years. My daughter is 6 months old and I’ve been sick 5 times since she started going to daycare. It’s like they absorb all the germs they can and bring them home to you.

congrats, mine is do march 30 thru april 4th


it’s not that bad as everyone makes it out to be. in 20 years they will be gone and you can finish your car then :slight_smile: :tup:

Congrats. fatherhood is great.

congrats gary. seems like everyone is having kids lately. I think ill hold off for a while.lol

I’m so happy for you guys…congrats :slight_smile:

Congrats man :tup:

congrats dude, april 16 is a good day (my bday)

Congrats :tup:

congratulations dsm hero!

im with dex, please make him call you big daddy burch and teach him that you dont make no power with dem inline 4’s. you only get the boombedibooms from v8s son.

Congrats Gary and Rachel!

Congrats again.

Like i told you before, You better start building another 1g now. Who knows how hard it’s going to be to find a good one in 16 years.

Oh noes… not another Burch!!! Congratualtions buddy!

Thank you everyone I’m getting more pumped about it everyday. We have been together for 7 years and married for 2 years life is going just dandy by that aspect. My wife Rachel is almost a CPA(2 more tests) with that said you already now she is going to be busy enought during tax season. April 15th is the last big tax day that she is requiered to work 70+ hours a week. Soo on the 16th she will still have a hard working day cut out for her! lol

Jeremy… you sure you are kidding? I’ll save it for ya…

JayS… I can’t wait for the war as my wife already has the immune system of a near death cancer patient with aids. j/k I don’t mean to offend anyone btw.

turbociv… if you run into problems with conception… I nailed it on the first time so no extra practice for me…:frowning:

woody… I fucking loled! thanx and check
