Baby4Door #3??? ***UPDATE***

It is official we (justa4door and 4doorbabe) are expecting Baby4Door #3 due on Christmas Day…now lets hope this one is a girl!! :party2:


:beer:… news to me



your right im pretty happy about it

we just need this baby out b4 dec31 :needtoclaimonmytaxs:




thanks guys

i still think it was deni…(b18ctrb )

lol we are trying to talk the doc into letter her go on dec 19th ish … just for the fact of living down there and sprinville hosp cant do babys … and everyyear on dec24 there is a crazy snow… so i hope the doc will let us do that …

but its true married people do have sex… once

oh yea and for all them guys out there … it was the first time and only time for them 3 weeks… so yea it can happen from one time

Too bad you only get EIC (earned income credit) for 2 kids max… this one has no tax credit at all…maybe we should trade it for a puppy? J/K

let me know


awesome dog for a baby! Gets along great with BDR’s kid!

I was just kidding about the puppy…even though he is pretty cute!


congrats Should be a busy Christmas


So the news is in…ITS A BOY


Can ya, can ya check again? :petergriffin:
