Our New Son! :) - Updated Pic's

Hey everyone how are you.

Well it finally happend, and did so while was at work of all times.

My wife phoned me and I left work at 2:17 am, DVP & York Mills Rd area, and got home at 2:37am in Oshawa. Did that in the minivan too. :lol:

We went off to the hospital and with in a short time our second son was born.

So it’s with great joy I would like to introduce you to my new son. It’s not the greatest pic as I used my camera phone but for now it’ll do. This was taken when he was only about 10min’s old. He really looks like my wife.

Kyle Timothy Bell

Born: August 13, 2005
Time: 07:34 am
Weight: 6lbs 15oz

Over all everything could’nt have gone better as it only took Tanya 4 minutes to push him out and both Mom and baby are doing great. I’ll be bringing them later on this morning or afternoon.

I know this is’nt car chat but as a proud Dad I just wanted to show everyone who can’t view the Members Only section.

Well take care everyone.

Bruce, Tanya, Brayden and Kyle. :smiley:

Hey congrats man! Glad to hear it, baby is healthy i take it? Give my best to the wife and the new addition!!! :cheers: :bigok:

Congrats man, he has my eyes. :smiley:

Congrats bruce! :slight_smile: :smiley:

Didnt we have a poll of some sort regarding this?

On the gender, or time of birth or weight??

Thought u were naming him Spartacus?


weight reduction!!!

haha congrats bro

way to go!

Moving to Mem…oh wait, nevermind.

Congrats Bruce.

I think I said girl in the poll we had a few months ago. Can you double
check to see if Kyle isn’t actually a Kyla or something?

Seriously, I’m happy for you and I bet not a lot of people here can
imagine what you must be going through or feeling. Must be great.

Hey thanks a lot guys for all the nice words and thoughts.

Yeah it’s something you can’t really describe untill you’ve gone through. I did’nt really watch Brayden make his appeareance as Tanya had a very hard time delivering him but this time, I actually saw Kyle come out.

It was pretty funny really because after the head came out, with ease mind you, then the shoulder and all of the sudden his right hand/arm just litterly popped out like, “boing” and then he just slid out.

The miricle of birth is something I hope you all have the chance to experience at some point in your life as it really does put things in to perspective.

As soon as I get a couple more pic’s I’ll post them and thanks to all the Mod’s for allowing this to remain in Car Chat for a couple of days. I just can’t stop being so proud and having this big grin on my face. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Your all really great and I will pass this along to Tanya when I go back to the hospital tomorrow. I’m sure it will really touch her.

Thanks again everyone.

get him into go karting!!




haha sorry im drunk man, congrats though must be a pretty sweet ass sweet feeling. Save this thread and go back to it whenever your’e mad aat your son so you can see that life is about more than little things that dont matter and fights are stupid stupid stupid

:lol: , truer were never spoken by a man drunk then what you said brother. It’s your kids you have to do for and always be there to support and comfort because they did’nt ask to be born. It’s a big responsibility but in the end, I know it’ll be worth it!

Teach him to drive. NOW.

Bring a race driver prodigy into this world. Go go go!

:lol: congratulations!

Edit: crap i just realized i’m repeating what Sasha said in different words.


Anyway, nice to hear the good news.

That’s the perfect attitude bro. I wish my parents had that mindset… wanna adopt me? :lol: With that said, you’re gonna make a great dad. Congradulations and I wish you and yours the best. :smiley:

Congratulations man. I can’t wait till I have kids.
Kyle looks like he is gonna be a trouble maker just look at the pic he already looks like he is scheming something haha. Or maybe just contemplating on scheming something.

But congratulation he’s a cute baby.

I knew something was up when people said you werent returning their phone calls, that’s not like you. I guess you could call it man’s intuition… :slight_smile:

Didn’t you just call John last night? I guess it was before Tanya called you.

You should have given all of SON pagers and when the time came we could have had a SON meet at the hospital.

So I guess you won’t be coming to Niagara next week?


Congratulations Bruce!!! Happy to hear everything went ok !!! :smiley:

I think Bruce is just really happy now that his wife probablly isn’t having
crazy mood swings and tantrums. :rofl:

Nah last time I saw her she was more like “I want this thing out of me NOW” kinda mindset LOL (that and she we all had these NASTY engergy drinks yuk) Well The 2nd spawn of Bell has arrived. Just make sure to make yer first kid feel as important as he ever was, and make sure you make him an active part in rasing your new one. My parents didn’t do that and I’m totally fudged up lol (that and I hated my sister till we both hit our 20’s)

Now that we’re mature (I suppose) we don’t hate each other as openly :slight_smile:

but yeah man. you’ll be an awsome dad, you’re an awsome friend. and No I’m not driving to the 'Shwa to baby sit… damn 55 min drive man… LOL