Help Pick Our Son's First Name

Hey everyone.

Well Tanya and I have a name in mind for our future son. It’s Kyle Timothy Bell but we are not set on the first name.

So I am enlisting the help of you guys to give us some suggestions for the first name. We like unique and uncommon names, thus we chose Brayden for are first child.

Feel free to toss your ideas as it may help us decide.

If we chose your name, you’ll win ONE NIGHTS BABY SITTING with our son! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks a lot guys and take care.

Bruce 8)



I love that name



no really… C’MON!!! do it!


Phil. :smiley:


Or, Ken, Jacob, Phil, Ian.

  • Step 1
    Abandon the last name “Bell” so that all the kids dont call him Taco Bell
    or something…

-Step 2
Name him Yoshinori Koguchi.

Wayne - since your name is Bruce. Batman? :dunno:



Gautam :hsugh:



I vote Giuseppe.

Silverster Xavier … Then his initials will be SX!

Ah screw it just go with Maximus Drifterus or Max Drift (short form) :lol:

bruce jr.

cou cheng (I believe it literally means second son in some obscure language) sorry cou yoo was third son (cou feng 1st, cou cheng 2nd, cou yoo 3rd, cou bo 4th) I think… I can’t remember I had friends all anmed that.

anything that starts with “G” cuz then you can be like whut up G…




:rofl: :bowdown: :rofl: :bowdown: :rofl: :bowdown:

Spartcus? I think you’re missing a vowel in there somewhere. :slap:

Bruce you’re gonna get a million names thrown at you, but honestly,
you’re not gonna feel any more proud if someone else picks a name for
you. It should be between you and Tanya.

/thread :dunno:

^^^^I know what your saying G but as we are just looking for some other possible ideas that have’nt been thought of.

:lol: , some of the names are hilarious guys but it’s not helping much. Plus if I named him after a D1 drive, haha the wife would kill me!

Come on seriously, toss out some real names. We ultimately may not pick one from here but it all helps.

Thanks again guys. :smiley:

You have a Scottish back round and Tanya’s back round is from Finland? Hey what is a person from Finland called is he/she a Fin or a Finlander or a Finish? Ha Im a Finish :lol: Hey don’t laugh I once had a person tell me im Greecian! And I was like no Im Greek there is no such thing as a Greecian. And one time in NYC I had was talking o this girl and she was like “You are from Canada wow, can you speak some Canadianese? Say hello in Canadianese!” And I was like huh?

Anyway back on topic: You should try to find a name that exists in both your cultures and sounds somewhat the same in both languages. Example my name in Greek is Yianni (like the musician) and in Italian it’s Gianni (like Gianni Versace). So it can be used in both cultures.

Try to come up with something like that.

Actually no her background is French/Dutch Canadian. Her step mother’s background is Finish. :lol:

Not a bad idea but that may be tough. Gives us some thinking though.

Well, since mine and your name begin with B…
Bruce Jr.
or even… Bartholowmew - Bart.