New From Bspa

Welcome, hmm i did the auto 2 years ago, whos son?

yessir haha. youll see me come into his lab sometimes

You still havn’t fixed my audio issue…

im workin on it haha i dont kniw sirius too well

Whats up meng? Welcome aboard. Do yourself a favor and just shit talk everyone who responds and take it one step farther each reply. Seems to do wonders for the newbies.

JK, see you around cant wait to see what the “project” is.

ill keep that in mind :wink:
the project should go public shortly, hopefully itl be at the grill and chill thing

your dad is the best teacher in that department… and one of the only guys I had some respect for. I’ll have to meet you some time.

if youre still on campus im usually hanging around his office mon-thurs so drop in

yeah I’ll have to stop in some time. I think he will remember me.

McNally is one of the few id go back and visit, hands down the best teacher i had, well besides g-man of course :lol

He probably will, drop by ill probably be hanging out in there

Just showed him that haha, he said thank you

welcome to the drama we call shift :slight_smile:

I don’t know you, but I consider Swain a good friend AND you are from B Spa so you are cool in my book.

swain is a good dude

worked with him for 5 months, always was a good guy to work with, and bs over cars with when we had nothing else to do

If you want to get to know people… come out to an event. About a month ago we went to buffalo wild wings and what a time that was. This thread should give you an idea…

Im actually gonna come out to the grill and chill hopefully, i gotta sign up for something but I should be able to

Definitely come and say hi. The events are a great place to meet folks as mentioned above.

You also get to see people act normally, not like the tards they are on here most of the time.

Very good point… a lot less E-thuggery and a lot more people acting real

e-thuggery is fun though…:ninja