New From Buffalo

Great! Im glad you can state an opinion on this board with out having ten people jump on your ass. While your bike may seem similar in looks, there is almost no comparison. Every bike is different. I have riden almost every type of harley out there between Sportsters, Dynas, Softtails, Ultra Classics and Road Kings along with most sportbikes. Each of those mentioned bikes I could ride all day with out stopping. Several things about the way my bike is set up makes it quite uncomfortable for a long ride. Sure I could change the seat, rake, or handlebar set up but im fine with the way it is. If and when I do ride 200+ miles in a day I make a whole day out of it and stop several times. Unfortunatly I just dont have the time to do that right now.

Anyways, thanks for the warm welcome and I look foward to seeing you all at a GTG. Lets all get off this bike pissing match about who can ride further. Who really cares anyhow!
