New from Duanesburg

This can not be a serious thread…

The way KrazyKid was playing along kind of made me think he has something to do with it…

Welcome! I live up on Settles Hill just east of you. Will probably see you around.

If I recall, Eric is a CRC employee. Or so my limited research would have me guess.

There’s def an Eric over there. KK had him throw together an estimate for some work on the upcoming new car yesterday for me.

Bottom of the hill, take a right, 500 feet on the left stop by and say Oh Hai CRC! :number1


Glad to see we cant troll everyone on shift.

Yes, this is Eric from CRC, and no thats not his car. Kevin paint shopped it late one night when Eric asked him to make him a signon for shift.

But he does drive a saturn. Shits pimp.

I have :wink:

True, True.

I have to appologize in advance too, if you hear a white ducati rip past the house… i may or may not be me. :ninja

I doubt that you go down the dead end road up there…I’m down there.
Let me know if you see my 335 or the yellow M3 drive by, I always go right on 20.

Yeah i just rip up the hill and try to get lost on the back roads out there. Ill keep my eyes posted for ya! Feel free to lay on the horn when ya drive by like someone in a blue accord does everytime they drive by!

just spit my drink up

I will tomorrow. Let me know if you hear it.

By the way, who’s got the A4 with the bags in the suspension?