new from schenectady

i got a close cousin in a wheel chair who has been arrested for beatin kids like you (2.7 heaven) up. drunk or not douchebaggery is douchebaggery. karma is a bitch remember that.

its Beretta YOU MORON! and id love to see you attempt to blast off a .50 caliber hand gun. a little fagg0t like you couldnt handle it

Wouldn’t call someone a moron and fagg0t unless you know for sure what you’re talking about. Take a second and Google Barrett .50 cal

The barrett is a sniper rifle .50 cal… Not trying to defend this moron, but If thats what he meant I still doubt his father has one.

Neg repping every motherfucker in this place with under 50 posts. Someones bringing all his butt buddies on here now cause he got busted.

ohhh god im getting snyp’d!!!

ps this is mikes dad…
i get rock hard over this kind of stuff.

Hahahaha Right… Nowadays we use sniper rifles for house protection!

Shit is getting REAL. Bringing all his Buddiesssss into shift bzns.

ive got a cache of weapons. but mostly just super soakers… they are my dads, but i use them


I, personally, think that both the drivers were in the wrong. However, this thug acting 17 year old is wrong on a whole new level. I don’t know either of you and probably never will, but atleast wheels is admitting FULL OUT what he did wrong and is standing up like a man. You, little punk ass, are blaming him for your actions. Stand up and accept the fact that you acted like an asshole that night. You reacted to someone else’s bad judgment and made yourself and even bigger asshole. This WHOLE thread has cemented the fact that you aren’t just acting like a douche…YOU ARE A DOUCHE.

I eat kids like you for breakfast!

If no one else on here is going to send this kid’s dad a letter, I will DEFINITELY take care of it.



So basically kids got a lonely S4 somewhere around this neighborhood?..

Is this the first post thread for everyone lately?

Nick outta nowhere!

I’ll touch it.

Then I’ll touch him.

YOU LITTLE COCKSUCKER. ARE YOU SHITTING ME?!?!??! You’re gonna wine like a faggot on here thinking i threatened you and then turn around and say chris hates life because he’s handicapped?!?!? PICKING ON THE HANDICAPPED HOMIE AGAIN?!?!! Motherfucker I hope we meet someday.

Wayne is on fire.

double post fail.

Can we get this shit on /b/ please?!?!?!?!

Wow just entered this thread … now leaving .