new from schenectady


What if I decide I like it here and want to stay because this place seems better than the Volvo S40 forum I used to go to? Oh, and cool story bro.

I still want to know why handicapped dude was riding audi dudes ass? Why has that not been mentioned yet. What started this whole shit show?


:rofl shitttt didn’t think about it enough and thought the dude actually knows me personally I was ready to meetup, I fell for his trolling … lmao fucl watever

Cool story tho you didn’t prove who you are saying youre from washington doesn’t mean anything yourr still hiding, but its cool I don’t care you don’t know me personally

From what little of this site I have looked at, I might stick around. Start a thread or two, who knows. If I don’t…my 5000 is the off white and I am switching out the half leather/half suede horseshit interior with the black full leather interior of the parts car (has better interior), is a 5 speed. Body is perfect…no rust, no scratches…except for the bad transmission it’s almost showroom (except for the 200something thousand miles or so :lol)


So I’m tired and going to bed because it is 9:15am. I am interested in this cool story bros. Maybe I’ll even start a thread somewhere or somehow with pictures of all my glorious vehicles.

Those 4chan bastards got me so hard I feel like an idiot =/

Haha you assholes ruined this threas now the op won’t even post in here

What a thread.

And if they let the /b/ army out, that kids fucked.


i love all the neg rep fail im getting from the newbs.

wow lots of newfaggotry in this thread, even from the supposed 4chan trolls.

I was wondering why this thread turned to 10+ pages. Now I know, good times. I have no idea how shift brings this kind of drama around on a consistent basis. I love it.

Yes he was, my math says he is 4 years shy of being a legal adult allowed to consume alcohol in new york. Yes he did receive a ticket for underage drinking. Lucky for him he wasn’t in AI territory or things might be a little different.

Also to clear this up HE was the one with the bat not his friend. First he said he didn’t get out of the car, then he admitted that he did. then he admitted that he had the bat for his own protection apparently.


He wasn’t. As he pulled out of the restaurant parking lot onto the 45mph highway, the S4 driver began messing with him. They took a single right turn and then brake checked him on Miami Ave. At that point they pulled over, and if it wasn’t for the dumb kids acting tough, everything would have been handled right there, when both parties rationally got out and saw there was no damage and went on their separate ways. But instead the 3 people in the Audi jumped out and instantly escalated the situation by carrying a weapon and out numbering Hotwheels 3-1. At that point Chris thought he was in danger and left the scene. They kicked the car as he went by and threw the bat at it, got in the car and chased after. (leaving the bat behind which later the police picked up).

That was all disclosed by me FIRST on page 2. Then also verified by Chris Hotwheels and even solidified by 2.7 kid in his rude PM’s which were posted up publicly.

Its not hard to understand and draw out in your head what happened. If young kids didn’t jump to irrational decisions, maybe he would be waking up in fear this morning.

I have NO sympathy for dumb people making dumb mistakes. Friends, Family, people I see on the street or read about in the news. There is NO reason to carry a bat in your car, in winter especially. There is nothing to gain in a neutral situation by jumping out yielding a weapon. If your a little guy like me, and think something might happen, play your actions like a game of billiards, think a few balls a head.

Hope you and your two friends learned your lessons. The world is a scary place, when you don’t try to fit in and conform to society like normal, rational people.

and FFS BRYAN it’s fucking /b

there’s no other / you fucking fuck


haha yes… put both you goons in the red

I’ve already stated numerous times… I wasn’t riding his ass until he started driving like a tool with the multiple brake checks, gang symbols getting tossed up every other second… When I bumped them, they pulled forward and got out IMMEDIATELY ready to fight. I simply drove around them. When they continued to chase my, I attempted to disable there car… As soon as I did that, I called the police… Pretty simple if you ask me.

Colin even sat in the PD department 10ft away from me, mean mugging me after HE was asked to blow in the whistle… I have to tell you, myself and the Amsterdam PD had a good time jamming out after Colin left and everything calmed down…

Judge as you chose, I felt I was in danger. I did what I did to protect myself. If that mean’t causing damage to his car from a 10 MPH backing up, so be it. Hate to say it, my life is worth a lot more.

As far as the drinking and driving, believe me that was a mistake and WILL NEVER happen again. That was a poor decision I had made and I have no problem eating my shit sandwich for it.

What I cam’t allow, is Colin to continue judging and negatively putting me down because of my disability. He doesn’t know me and as far as I’m concerned he doesn’t want too. I have a close knit of friends on this site who have seen me struggle through the years with a progressive disability, and they won’t allow for someone to tarnish my name in the face of my muscular dystrophy. Maybe you don’t have a group of friends willing to go to ends earth for you, but I do. That’s where Colin crossed the line, that’s why they’re not so forgiving.

Kind Regards,


Thank you murrdawg, i failed neg repping cock hard last night.

On another note, if we pay to support shift can we have unlimited rep ability?! Vov make it happen.

Unlimited rep turns into such a mess so fast. :rofl