new from schenectady

Oh no, not 24+ yr olds :wow. He’s doomed for sure now.

then ill check the mail evry day till i move out. what bitch?

Do yourself a favor look up axiom rims…and somehow i really doubt your pedo ass is driving something worth 1,200 none the less 120k.

nice try bub’s. Im 24. My balls however dropped when I was 12.

nope hes not. try again.

i did, google response shows 3 rims each selling for under 200 dollars. wtf you poor or some shit?

my infiniti has more expensive rims than that.

bro if you want to meet up we can settle this. my dad was in the army. he has guns and knives. teaches me how to use them.

lol omg this kid is fawking clueless. :wow :rofl

woh cool story bro sure is internet tough guy in here

do you suck your dad’s cock everynight? Does he whipe your ass, and shake your dick when you piss? like really? grow the fuck up man. Leave your dad out of this. I have family members that just got back from Iraq that were over there for years. Your not scaring me at all…

If only that wasn’t the only copy… In the world :ahh

confirmed for 17 years old

dey mad they gotta drive cars made in the last decade.

gawd your fawking clueless as well

now just so you know every wheel this company makes is custom …cheapest set they sell are about 3400 and that is a 1 piece forged wheel.

So why is it you go from Angry, to telling me you felt like a dick to angry again?

look faggot. i didn’t do shit to anyone. maybe it was a mistake to bring a bat, but the cripuled made us start shit with him. if he hadn’t been drunk this would not have happened.

don’t be calling my house either. i’ll find out where you live

i dont know his number , his facebook has been exposed…thats why you see all the pics of him all over the threads on here and 4chan

+111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111eventy billion

:facepalm this is the first time a potentially epic thread has gone to shit


i have guns to , lotsssssssss of them

The Miata / MX-5 is one of the finest handling vehicles ever made. There are MX-5 cups held all over the world for newbie racers getting into the sport.

and you got them on some old ass audi?

bitch please, i drive a 15k beater so faggots in the urban areas in their hoopty’s dont fuck up my other two cars