new from schenectady

So you rear ended the van on purpose?

if any of you other members dont belive me and want to see proof, i will upload the police report, photographs of the damage and if you really dont believe me, i’ll call his insurace and have them send me the recording of him admitting it.

oh yea no idea huh? cause all minivans look like they were built for off-roading? Scum off the streets huh? I think maybe your mother should have swallowed your ass. Lucky I wasn’t with Chris at the time fool.

lol no. i was rear ended, stopped, got out of my car, he drove away (hit and run) i chased him. we came to a complete stop, he put his car in reverse and slammed into the front of my car. i know, it sounds stupid, but the guy was also hammered… i have him admitting to it over the phone recorded

hmmmmmm with a baseball bat in the car…

Fuck off kid I will tell you right now. You messed with the wrong guy.

How the fuck did you or your passengers not know he was handy capt as you come to the fucking window and see him in a chair, not to mention the van is obviously modified for a lift.

You started it, and you escalated it when your thug underage kids jumped out swinging first. Non of that would have happened if you were a fucking typical punk ass kid with a fancy car.

No need to slander your name, you will see we are a tight knit group here. we all know each other, and Myself, Chris and many others have been around here for A LONG TIME.

FYI he doesnt have a DWI anymore:) and the others were dropped.

Your no thug but you stunt around the street in with a drunk ass kid in the back seat and run around with bats?

just watch about the time I get home this thread will be 10 pages of a shit storm.

welcome to shift518

he was drunk. and hit my car 3 times. end of story


homeboy thinks only his christmas is fucked up :rofl :rofl :rofl

My Supra is covered for $40K. 25 bucks a month. Classic car insurance under my homeowners.

Wait you got out? 5 minutes ago, you didn’t get out it was your passenger that got out with a bat.

No doubt he ran look at what hes up against, and called 911, hence the Saratoga pd pulling you all over.

I will put it this way, your fucking lucky I wasn’t home at the time, because if you mother fuckers followed him to my house you wouldn’t want to set foot on my property.

if your threatening me, i’ll take it to the police right now, call me a pussy idc. i go by the law

ohhhhnooes he ruined christmas!!!

LMAO we got a badass pussy on our hands.

did that look like a threat to you? my bad, tell your mom i apologize. When I threaten you, you will know it.

Who the fuck messes with handicapped dudes.

yea well your a bitch

If he wasn’t drunk, the same shit would have happened. Drunk or not, A: dont fuck with people on the street and brake check them you might not get hit. B: when your out fucking around and actually get hit, dont gang rush the car with a bat and a kick to the door to attempt to exchange insurance information and proceed with normal actions people would take when involved in a fender bender…

it was after christmass he miss spoke.

I am going home for the day, ill pick this up later. :rofl

faggot bitches with mommies money and no consequences. thats who.

quote for later.