new girl...

hello! im danielle and i drive a 2003 hyundai tiburon v6 6speed and a 2004 hyundai tiburon I4 5 speed. i love cars and have a bunch of pics but i just wanted to say hello!

hi. :beer:

damn why cant you live in pgh! lol, a chick that drives a stick :bigthumb: welcome danielle.

P.S. watch out for the leg humpers

real women drive stick!

nice car, wanna drive my stick? :naughty:

lol movin a little fast huh :burnout:

welome aboard. don;t mind the leg humpers :rolleyes:

I wonder how long it will take to hear the Tibby can never lose? Oh wait, I said it. :smiley: (long story from a long time ago).

how u doing

ass shot!!!

leave my woman alone :mad: :blue:

welcom aboard


don’t mind the leg humpers… aside from cutty, none of them are convicted sex offenders…

(cutty’s not actually a convicted sex offender… if he tried, any woman could just kick his ass)

:rofl: :owned:

dont you like it fast? :naughty: … i like everthing fast, i would like my car fast, dinner cooked fast, etc etc

shelby batter back off shaggys women\


welcome and some pics of you and some of you on the car :smiley:

welcome to the site!

all i have to say is everyone that says “watch out for the leg humpers” and “pics of you in the car” really needs to venture out and find a “real” girl!

you guys need to watch out, shes a leg humper also :naughty:

:kekegay: im just playin

Finally a chick car that’s actually driven by a chick. :wink: