New Guy from Granville

Any bars in Granville? I’ve always wanted to go a nearby small town bar, and have everyone wonder who the fuck I am, ha, happens here all the time

dude you don’t want to do that it sucks… I live in Waterford talk abotu fucking small town everybody knows everybody… anytime we walk into bars everybody stops goes quiet stares and starts whispering… it gets old fast…

What about Natalie from Truthville… or Evana LePlante

Nah…you don’t understand where I’m from, it’d make Waterford look like Vegas

Are you kiding? At one time granville was in the record books for having the most bars in NY. Ever heard of the alley in granville? Its closed now, but there were about 10 bars within walking distance. Really a rough place in the day. Always fights going on.:sFi_bat:

Nah, never spent much time in Granville, really only when I was dating that chick

They don’t sound familar, but I live in Truthville. WOW, I guess I don’t really know anybody.:ponder

Most granville women are crazy!!!:crazy and I mean in more ways than one. I had to go out of town to find my wife.:hug

Have a place in Wells, been in those bars for 20 years over the summers… you glorified it a bit, but for the po-dunk town it is, there was always something to do and girls to land… know a set of twins, one with a burn?

Of course you know the Race brothers.

Nope, don’t know any twins. Not sure you would want to land most of the girls here now. You must have been here in the good old days.:thumbupOf course, nothing is like it used to be. I can remember stopping the cops and giving them a beer while they were on duty. Could you imagine doing that now. You would be thrown in jail!!!:lol

How do those twin turbos work on your LS2? Any problems?

ya all his transmissions hate life :rofl

and welcome!

man ,i dont miss livin in granville at all .i know of the alley ,i used to work at evergreen slate back in the day .i also lived in salem ,cambridge lololololol wash county sucks ,but welcome anyway

I like living in Granville. But its not like it used to be. Used to be able to trust people, but now it seems like they would rather stab you in the back.

Back when I rode motorcycles, we used go on a ride through VT (Go up to Rutland, take route 100, which is a very nice ride and there is a little waterfall we used to take a break at, to route 17, which has a lot of hairpin turns and switch backs, come back down to catch ferry to NY and then come back down to Whitehall. Very fun day on motorcycles.

Anybody interested in doing this in the spring?

nice list of toys man!! welcome to the forum!!!

Sounds fantastic, but people aren’t gonna drive up from Albany just to get to the starting point. It’s hard enough to get them to drive any farther than 10 minutes/miles.

Which is kind of ironic if you think about it, this is an automotive forum yet nobody wants to drive far. :crazy

granville is deeppppp… welcome though

All well, it was just an idea. Maybe my wife and I will go alone. Its really a nice ride.

welcome, from one of the most flamed and picked on members of the site! :rofl
