New guy from Greensburg

No it’s cool bro. I know you Uniontown folk operate a little differently. I’d assume your sense of humor is a little bit off as well. So how many years have you been sucking Brian’s cock? He’s never mentioned you…

maybe we should all meet up and battle. I’ll bring a trident!

Lmao, you are about as witty as a 3 year old. Yet you still dwell on male to male contact. As for being from U-town, I just moved here prettyboy. As far as brian least I am up to his standards where as you can catch the dribbles that hit the floor.

welcome, i see they gave you a warm reception

Where did you move from, Monessen? :bowrofl:

Pretty boy? You obviously don’t know dick about shit.

Pretty boy? does that confuse you cause you were never payed a compliment? Guess you would be more acustom to fatfuck? Your right I don’t know much about dick. I know that is pisses shoots a load and belongs in females with the right touch. I guess you are a leading authority on its many uses and tastes and all the holes you can ram it into yourself. Then again you could prolly just eat a donut work up a sweat roll yourself in flour and walk into a gaybar and be a buffet of wetsspots for them to plunge into. :tool:

Oh my god you’re jerking off to the thought of that, aren’t you?

Listen, its not my fault that you are poor and uneducated and most likely the result of incest. Stop being so fucking jealous. Maybe one day if you can collect enough Pabst Blue Ribbon cans from around your trailer park you’ll be able to afford a real car like a Corvette as well!

Real car lol, now that is the funniest shit I heard you say yet lol. If I was to buy a real car and want to buy new and waste some money. It would either be a Super snake or a zr1 vette why go cheap afterall. Second when I think of real cars I think of Chevelles,Camaro’s and Nova’s. I like the old muscle cars. Not to mention the ones not made by chevy. The Hemi cars and Pontiacs,old’s and old fords. I am hardly poor and your right I didn’t go to anyplace special after highschool. I joined the army and became a pathfinder. Something you could never be. Though becoming a pc nerd I could do, but it bores me and gets on my nerves playing with software and hardware. As for beer I drink lagers thanks the darker and heavier the beer the better not some pussy ass light beer.

Super snake? :rofl:

That’s just an appetizer. Not even a full meal. NEXT PLEASE!

And you dont think I could be an army pathfinder? Why is that? I’m well versed in orienteering. give me a topo map and a compass and I could find my way anywhere…

There is very little I can’t do. You will learn that if you stick around long enough.