Dont doubt he is a “good kid” dont think anyone said anything like that.

I am an old guy. I dont hate on younger people. I am an equal opertunity hater. In general, I, and many others, cant stand know it all, look at me, better than thou, general douche bags (OP not saying you are any of these, they are only examples). I will hate someone who is 10 or 60, if they act like a dick or want to push my buttons.

Some of them were “hard on him” becasue they fuck around with everyone here like that for fun. No harm in a little rib poking. Noobs always take some jabs when they first come in, I guess thats some peoples way of gaugeing how well they will fit in based on their reactions. Think back a few years when you were the freshman in highschool, same shit babe.

Smokins comment was valid, cfm is what will deternin fuel delivery needs. If you didnt know it, the second part of his reply wasy sarcastic, just like Murdog saying he had a 3076 running 11’s so you should be in 10 easy. in case you didnt already know it.

also the 30r on stock fueling is correct too. From a mechanical stand point a 30R on any car with stock fueling, making more power than it did prior, wont last more than 300 miles if that.

moral of the story, I am sure you lurked around here prior to signing up, so I would think you knew what was coming.

How to fit in on shift:
a:: welcome I am so and so, this is what I like to do, this is my car, these are my goals.
b: if the goals are far fetched, we will know it right away and you see what happens.
c: blend in. If they bust your balls, bust them back a little but dont keep it up. just let it slide. who cares.
d: meet some members and see their true story, its usually 180 deg’s of what they come off as on here… for better or worse.
e: profit.