so youd rather be an E-thug and run your mouth here? if youve got something to say man up bud. youre the tool that thinks he knows everything, beleive me i was standing there listening to you yap the entire time. you say because it has an exhaust it can run a 14flat, that would make you the assumed automotive god, youre a tool, bench racer. all i said was it comes down to driver on alot of things, never did i say anything remotely close to what would be considered “automotive god” so how about you not call me out on a local forum, you are just complaining now.

and FYI, im not a Kid, but thanks pal.

and you were running your mouth too?? O and a leaking rear main seal does NOT lower your oil pressure…considering my car comes stock with a oil pressure gauge…idle, at 60psi and driving, 75psi. Always has been that way, before the blown rear main and after…not to mention the blown rear main seal is ABOVE the oil pan

listen… i wasnt the only one there that was thoroughly annoyed by you. you may have had some friends there but you sir are a douchebag. i dont give a fuck whats done to your faggot ass little car. the owner himself didnt even give it credit of running 14 flats… i speak from prior experience and knowledge and you seem to talk out your ass saying a fp green’d sti that puts out 366hp on a LOW reading dyno is within 15hp of buschur racings shop car with the same turbo is weak. right… come back to me with some sort of basis of knowledge rather than acting all high and mighty PAL. i got several people that were there that night that told me privately they thought u were a fuckin dickwad. next time u wanna try and call someone out make sure you know what ur talking about… anyone can buy parts for their car… some of us know what they do.

fp greens suck dick for the record…and the lady driving the s4 is amd is the bests aunt…she got her car before him and he got jealous so one upped her with a stage 3 s4…shes usually down in albany with the car cause she works down there

the fpgreen is basically a thrust bearing stock mount gt30r for the subaru…different case but its pretty close.psi… was that you in the blue SI the other night… i dont think i ever met you.

Thank you…the only ones not annoyed by him were the other VW guys up his ass, bowing to his 30r gti

I drive race cars.

i just don’t understand what you guys get snappy about…

another thread gone awry

this whole site is pretty much arguing and a pissing match. the whole forum might aswell be the battlefield because just about every single thread has an argument in it. don’t get me wrong sometimes its fun but enough is enough…

if you were there for the conversation and comments you would comprehend

i was there… i had the swapped mk2 tdi.

i wish i went last night with all this bitching and moaning it sounded like it was a great time

He was, but he’s part of MK4 30r’s VDub possie, so he’s here to defend

and Pete, ok so if you have a problem with Shift518 go browse and post on VWVortex or ca-va ::slight_smile: , people get into arguements…big deal. :confused

the comments may have been made before your arrival.

It was the other night, when the cop came… :lol you just missed out not paying any attention.

oh damn i did miss somthing i dont remember any of this he never said anything to me when i was real close to his car checking out the painted engine cover

oh i was probably talkin to bedian’s cousin he had some funny stories

ahh ok, nvm then.

the only good part of vwvortex is the tech forum.

if you have not noticed how every pretty much every thread is an argument :idiots

i guess thats what some people live for, once again it is fun sometimes.

well duh, you were giving his car attention

Doesn’t sound like people missed out on much. Who wants to come around when people have pissing matches over who’s car is faster and what person went off shit talking on someone else?

We all share the same general interests of cars and modifying them. Who honestly gives a shit what’s faster, what makes more power?


:haha i liked the clean look of the painted engine cover what can i say, thats why i got a new one and im painting my battery cover that same cover ;D

it couldnt have been that bad i was 10ft away and i had no idea it was going on