Im pretty sure i never once acted like i knew even close to 100% of what i was talking about…and i didn’t ask you to flame me, or tell you it was okay. I never talked down to anyone? you all talked down to me…like all of you are in fucking high school or something and this is a battle of cool. The purpose of this was to introduce myself, and to hopefully gain info and help on this car that i dont really know too much about. As for you telling me i don’t have common sense because i rebuilt my engine with oe parts? maybe its because i’m 17 years old and don’t make the money to pay for forged parts. I thanked people who gave me information…because thats what i came here for. I don’t want people being assholes to me, for no reason…am I the only one who thinks its stupid? Its like your all little kids waiting to flame me cause your sitting home with nothing to do. I may not know tons about my car…i just got it a month ago, but there’s no need to speak to me like i’m a retard or make fun of me. If your not here to help me out, then get out? And find something else to do besides fuck with me.

Been looking around, this one looks like a nice one…


Maybe that one, who knows…it says ready to rumble and that’s what i’m looking for. See you at the lot dom…

Yes you did…

No you didnt talk down to us. I didnt either, atleast I didnt try to. I was only disproving your initial intentions and speculations with facts, that I KNOW from my EXPIERENCE.

I am not a kid, 27 actually as of July 14th.

I am not sitting at home with nothing to do. I am working for NYS, making money to “trash talk” people on shift. And its not with nothing to do, its that i have good time managment and multitasking skills. lol

dont mind the comments, this place is full of ball busting and very, very good information when you cut through the bull shit.


People gave you helpful pointer and you acted like a dueschtard therefore you are treated as one

lol wow guys

Pipe down pirate hooker

im just saying i know zach and hes a good guy, old guys love to hate on the younger . yeah you guy know more clearly with more experience in the car field. dont gotta be so hard though

Oh if you know him he is a definite tool

im pretty sure thats you boss…

“You realize how little cfm a ko3 flows? Go ahead and put it on stock fueling you’ll be fine”
“30r on stock fueling? Have fun rebuilding it again”

Those don’t sound like HELP FULL POINTERS, sounds like you being a sarcastic faggot to me…but hey i guess people take things differently. KrazyKid is actually helping me out…and not giving blatant stupid replies that dont help like you are. I never acted like a douche, your the one who commented on my thread coming at me…therefore you are the douche. You should probably stop replying to this thread because no one cares what you have to say, especially me.

Shut up your the tool… talking shit on the internet ELOHEL


soooo are you still doing a 30r?

This is clearly a comment only a sarcastic faggot would make :thumbup


Lmao your internet comments strike fear into my heart. Get ahold of me when you can actually drive after 9 there big guy

He is a shift OG respect thatt!

Kids just mad cause his parents wont let him drive when the street lights are on

i dont know a thing about BT 1.8T’s

but i do know the FWD sucks ball sack with any type of power and street tires.

chicken head??