New Guy

There is no separate program for each, they all use the same program. The program gets updated about monthly adding new support for new cars and trucks or just added tables for existing ones. I have to buy a license (2 credits@49.99) to access the PCM, then use the program on your PCM’s calibration to make the changes on the tables needing changed, ie Engine TM, Transmission TM, Power enrichment, high and low octane spark tables, etc.

HPTuners is a hardware and software package.

sorry to seem like a PITA, but I would toss you the bills for the license if your game to do my truck, its up to you, I don’t want to feel like I’m pressuring you about it, just excited someone in the area already has the program, LMK!


you can get into HP tuners for about 500 bucks and this would give you 8 credits and alot of room for adjustments.

We can work work something out. Like QUIK has said, it’s 500 bucks to buy and you get 8 credits with it. You and 3 others could go in together to buy it to tune 4 trucks/cars. Most require 2 credits to license. LS2’s use 4 credits.