new guy

whats up everybody i was at the meet on sat at steel valley, i was driving the blue saturn redline! the one with the real loud exhaust, we just did it to mess around im ordering my catbak this week! lol had a good time though!

welcome bro…



Welcome. I ran you in the Black Civic Si hatch. I posted a link to my YouTube videos in the Bench Racer Annual thread if you wanna check it out.


did u put that vid up of me and you runnin?


I thought I did but its not on my Youtube account. I will re-check my tape tonight. I am sure I saw it because your exhaust was all that the camera picked up.

welcome. I was lined up against you once in the c5.

lol yeah that exhaust is pretty loud!!

Welcome to the site


Welcome, saw the redline out there looked good… Have a few friends that have/have had Ion Redlines :slight_smile:


i heard no S/C whine???

welcome anyway

funny i didnt hear urs either all i saw was that sweet ass lift!!! my exhaust is too loud for u too hear it! but its gettin changed this week !!!

welcome rubbermaid!!!

I must have forgot to upload this to YouTube originally. It is there now though:

[ame=“”]YouTube - John Vs Saturn Ion[/ame]

that was a close race lol…