New Guy

New to the forum, I live just outside Schenectady right next to the air guard. I just started working at the new Lowes in Glenville and saw a shift518 sticker on a green VW bug, I know it’s someone who works with me I just don’t know who. I currently drive a 1997 Cadillac Seville SLS and I used to drive a 1995 Chevy Caprice 9c1 but I had to sell that after I got busted for street racing. I’m considering a new car and I’m planning to check out an '01 s4 next week.

nice, welcome.

caddys is kewl

SOHCBEAST aka eddie T’s ex girl.

welcome to the fun!!!

Welcome, your by the 109th I take it??

no, the 106th :Idiots
